domingo, 27 de marzo de 2011

logbook : 27 - 3 - 11

Uff, I am a little bored without my computer and internet, but hey, it's my punishment, and I bear the consequences, such as:
I can not write my blogg  I do not talk to my friends of tuenti, I unable to keep up in online games and  I can't carry out work for the school

good ..... , here I leave the second part of the video of furbol

goodbye and wishing them good

sábado, 26 de marzo de 2011

logbook : 26 - 3 - 11

Life is good , I'm happy, the punishment is progressing well, all calm and quiet, the thing was not so bad as I thought, but even so I increase my effort in studies, and almost I can pass all subjects

Here I leave a video, it is pretty good and funny for a furbol video

viernes, 25 de marzo de 2011

logbook : 25 - 3 - 11

the thing has not been as bad as I thought the penalty amounts to 1 week without computer, and forced labor, maybe a couple of days without leaving is also included, but even I am agree....

but Today I am bery happy,  there is no evil that lasts a  thousand years 

ha ,  next week I am going to  film a documentary about my school, I hope it goes well

miércoles, 23 de marzo de 2011

logbook : 23 - 3 - 11

 I received  bad news today  , worse than yesterday ....

Possibly this will be the last comment which  makes in 2 weeks or 2 weeks and a half

I suspended more subjects than they should and that marked the predictions and calculations.

The List of works (including this blog) I did not appear to have helped me a lot, I did movies, Powers point, the bloog, I do not know what else to do

Today is a sad day

lunes, 21 de marzo de 2011

logbook : 21 - 3 - 11

today I received a bad news , monjas corp will not make the video that shows my school and his facilities of high technology ,but I went to the winning side and I will record the movie ,( I like helping people and need points of English which provides the production of the film )  

that's it for today, over and out